Which of the two statements describe you the most?
I am a risk taker or I am in a stable career
I am not a big risk taker or my career is not very stable
Our suggested 401k Allocation for your profile
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I am a bit confused. Can you walk me through this?
Your use of this allocation and 401ktutor.com are governed by our Terms of Use
Periodically rebalancing your allocation is important as markets move up or down.
As the future outlooks for stocks and bonds change so should your asset allocation model.
As the future outlooks for stocks and bonds change so should your asset allocation model.
Check all that apply
401k help
Investing can be confusing and the many investing options in your 401k plan can be overwhelming. In order to get the most out of this website, we urge you to go over the 401k University section and our frequently asked questions. However, if you already went over these pages and still need more help, we have arranged a special offer with a fee-only registered investment advisor for a personalized 401k review. Please click on the link below if you would like to arrange for a personalized 401k review.Now go and start allocating your 401k!
But before you do that, please tell your friends & colleagues about us so they can invest better too.
But before you do that, please tell your friends & colleagues about us so they can invest better too.